The Mark of the Beast Is A Mockery Of The Word Of God

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
with all your soul, and with all your strength.
And these words which I command you today
shall be in your heart."
Deuteronomy 6:5-6
God desires that you so love him and his Word, that you speak of his Word all the time, when you're in your house, or out walking, anytime and everywhere - speak the Word of God.
vs 7:
"You shall teach them diligently to your children,
and shall talk of them when you sit in your house,
when you walk by the way,
when you lie down, and when you rise up."
Where are you to bind them?
vs 8:
"You shall bind them as a sign ON YOUR HAND,
and they shall be as frontlets BETWEEN YOUR EYES."
It's interesting to make the correlation to what the Antichrist will do when he rises to power. This Anti Christ is the false christ. One of the requirements that he will legislate will be that everyone must take his mark and put it upon either their forehead or on their hand. How obvious is that! He makes it such a binding law - that anyone refusing to do this will not be able to buy or sell. Isn't it interesting that the one sign of allegiance to the Antrichrist is that they take his mark upon their HAND or FOREHEAD, as a direct perversion of God's Word, an enforced counterfeit, and assault upon the Word of God. The penalty God has established for doing so, is that no one with Antichrist's mark upon them will be ABLE to be saved.
Why is that, you might wonder? Why is there no mercy in this? God has always offered mercy to anyone who repents and places their trust in him. Yet those with Antichrist's mark will have no mercy? Why not?
Read on...
The Word of God says of the days preceding the flood of Noah:
"There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward,
when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men
and they bore children to them."
Genesis 6:4
These fallen angels descended upon Mount Hermon in Israel. They took human women and produced with them offspring, and these offspring were the "giants" referred to so many times in the Word of God. These offspring were part human and part angelic, in other words their DNA was corrupted. These giants are called "nephilim," or "fallen ones." They were disqualified from salvation. In fact, this perversion was the reason for the flood of Noah - because the whole population had become corrupted.
What is going on today is that men - under the influence of Satan, are messing again with the genetic code. Everything from plants to animals are undergoing DNA modification. Some foods have on them "GMO," or GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISM" - and on some, "from bioengineered products," which they present as a good thing - because they do not know the Word of God.
When Antichrist rises, the mark he will demand to be on everyone's forehead or hand will be something that will actually corrupt the genetic makeup, the DNA. And that's WHY they will not be able to be saved, because the mark of the Antichrist will change their genetic makeup. As in the days of Noah.
God is the God of mercy. The only time in either the Old Testament or the New Testament when mercy is not extended, is when the genetic makeup of a person has been re-designed, rendering him no longer "made in the image of God." That is why Joshua was commanded to take the cities of the "giants" and not spare anyone young or old - because those cities were the cities of the giants, those whose DNA had been corrupted. This is happening again - Satan's day is coming and his intent is to corrupt humanity once again, so that they will not be ABLE to be saved.
“If anyone worships the Beast and his image,
and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand,
he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God,
which is poured out full strength into the cup of his indignation.
He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone
in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.
And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever;
and they have no rest day or night,
who worship the Beast and his image,
Revelation 14:9-11
The Antichrist goes by many names in the Bible, and one of them is "the Beast." Jesus is the Lamb of God, so his counterfeit is "the Beast."
vs 18:
"Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding
calculate the number of the Beast,
for it is the number of a man:
his number is 666."
Believers know that the Rapture is coming soon and that those left behind will come under a strong delusion, a strong deception, ( 2nd Thessalonians 2:11-12).
If you are one of those left behind, remember this message. Do not under any circumstances allow something to be embedded on you or into you.
There is going to be a great revival after the Rapture. Millions will realize they've been left behind and will ask God for forgiveness, and he will grant it to anyone surrendering their lives to him, anyone who has NOT taken the mark of the Beast.
During the reign of the Antichrist, the penalty for refusing the mark will be death. However, if you have surrendered your life to Jesus Christ during that time and have not taken the mark, you may be martyred, but you will be saved. For all eternity.