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The Way of Triumph When Overwhelmed

"Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of his knowledge in every place." 2 Corinthians 2:14 When you use the word "triumph," you're speaking of conflict. You don't triumph over ease, you triumph in conflict. We have this assurance that Jesus Christ leads us in triumph in every conflict - IF - we are abiding in him. There are times when it will appear that we are being destroyed, there are times when the Lord allows the enemy to assail us and wear us out as in the life of Job, but the purpose of it is always to grow us up in the faith and to glorify God in the end of the story. But that is not a given. It will depend on what our response is. Some people are destroyed in the conflict. The intensity of the assault of the enemy against you will be in direct proportion to the plan of God for your life. The greater your call, the greater the effort to destroy you. It can be overwhelming. Many times it will make no sense. You may feel abandoned. And you will be angry, very angry because it will seem unfair when this sort of thing comes while you are not in sin and when you are serving the Lord with all your heart. You will feel outrage ...until you understand what is going on. When you find yourself in a conflict and it seems the enemy is prevailing, the response the Lord is waiting for is that you humble yourself before him and ask for direction in how to proceed. Your recourse is to fall at the feet of the Lord and ask for direction. You cannot figure your way out of it, don't even try. You MUST get the direction from the Lord because he is the only one who knows exactly what is going on. vs 15: "For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing." When you go through a terrible ordeal, there are two groups of people watching you. Believers are watching you, many times in horror, wondering what on earth might be happening and how you will ever survive. And the world is watching you, many times snickering and saying "where is his God!" If you order your steps right, you will come out with the fragrance of Christ upon you. Believers will marvel and be strengthened in their faith when they see God move on your behalf, and the world - who thought surely you would go under this time - will see the undeniable witness of the power and glory of God upon you as God resolves the conflict and sends Satan packing. This is how you defeat Satan and send him away in shame. Do not lean to your own understanding when a terrible ordeal comes upon you, you will never ever understand it because you don't have the perspective of what's happening in the spiritual realm. You MUST - you MUST - fall at the feet of Jesus and ask for specific direction as to what you are to do. He will meet you there. He will show you exactly what response he wants from you, whether to fight or to wait, to go forward or to hold back, what exactly to do or not do, and when and how. Then you will be invincible and there is no demon in hell or power in the heavenlies who will be able to stand against you. This is how you end in triumph.


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