How Not To Lose The Battle

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast,
immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord,
knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord."
1st Corinthians 15:58
Steadfast. Immovable. Why does the Scripture have to stress this?
Because we have an enemy.
If you have been called, if you were chosen from before the foundation of the world to do a work for God in this generation, you can be absolutely sure beyond all question that the powers of hell will do all they can to stop you. You will come to know Satan as you have never known him before, and you will be shocked at the ferocity of his hatred for you. Sometimes the obstacles he puts in our way seem to be just overwhelming. One of his key methods of operation is to add affliction upon affliction. You just get through one thing, and he adds another. It's enough to discourage the strongest believer. And that's his intent, to so discourage you that you will give up.
But the Word of God anticipates this and counsels us to be steadfast and immovable. So how does one maintain that kind of patient endurance in the midst of a siege? I believe it's not humanly possible, because our enemy is an archangel, a supernatural being, and knows exactly where to hit us. The attacks will be personal and in the areas most dear to us. But the Word of God says that the Lord is our shelter, our refuge, our strong tower. We aren't expected to find the strength within ourselves, we are to run to HIM.
"The name of the Lord is a strong tower;
the righteous run to it and are safe."
Proverbs 18:10
Brothers and sisters, the only way you're going to survive if you're actively serving the Lord is by spending TIME - TIME - in the presence of the Lord. If you neglect this, you'll be a sitting duck. If you neglect this you are in effect saying that you have enough resources within yourself to stand, that you don't NEED God, and that you're not willing to take the time to spend before him. Be very aware that Satan will also work against you in this very thing, doing all he can to prevent you from spending time before the Lord, because he knows that if you're faithful in this one thing that you will come to victory. He will put all kinds of obstacles before you to keep you from spending TIME before the Lord. He will make every effort to convince you that you can make it on your own, and if you believe that lie, he's got you.
We are in a day and age unlike any other. It is the last hour, and God is doing a mighty work throughout the world. Those who have been called to play a part in this must be very careful to stay close to the Commander, because we are in very dangerous territory laced with minefields.
"For a great and effective door has opened to me,
1st Corinthians 16:9
Pray with me:
Father, impress upon us the seriousness of the time, and of the conflict we find ourselves in. Remind us constantly that no lone ranger is going to survive in this last-days story. Let your Holy Spirit bring powerful conviction upon us when we start to feel like we can handle it alone, for pride is perhaps the greatest impediment to victory. Draw us by your Spirit to spend TIME with you, at your feet, receiving the directions we need concerning how to proceed and soaking up the strength for the battle, FROM YOU.
And when we get it right, bless us with all the victory that can be had as we reach out to a lost and dying world, bringing to them the message of your great and wonderful salvation. In Jesus's Name. Amen.