Come Out Of Her My People
“Gather my saints together to me,
those who have made a Covenant with me by sacrifice.”
Psalm 50:5
The saints of God are those who have made a covenant with God by sacrifice. In the Old Testament, God's people approached him with an animal sacrifice, the blood of the animal atoned for their sin in anticipation of the Sacrifice to come. In the New Testament, the saints of God have received the Blood sacrifice Jesus Christ made on that Cross for man's redemption, the shedding of HIS blood FOR them, and they are brought to the Father through the sacrificed Blood of Jesus Christ.
But the Scriptures tell us that in the last days there will be a great falling away from the Word of God, a great apostasy. The sacrifice of the Cross, the greatest event in the history of mankind, will fade and become no longer important to them.
"Now the Spirit expressly says
that in latter times some will depart from the faith,
giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons,
speaking lies in hypocrisy,
having their own conscience seared with a hot iron..."
1st Timothy 4:1-2
That is happening now. False teachers have risen in droves, not teaching the Word of God but speaking warm and pleasant feel-good words instead, denying sin, denying hell, denying repentance, calling good evil and evil good, speaking lies in hypocrisy, their consciences SEARED. These smooth-talking wolves in sheeps' clothing give what amounts to pep-rallies - these are those the Bible calls wicked, and they are being followed by the masses. And of course, the money flows.
"But to the wicked God says:
'What right have you to declare my statutes,
or take my Covenant in your mouth,
seeing you hate instruction
Psalm 50:16-17
These false teachers speak what the people want to hear. They reject God's precepts, deny sin, deny the need for the Sacrifice of the Cross, and cast God's words behind them.
“An astonishing and horrible thing
has been committed in the land:
The prophets prophesy falsely,
and the priests rule by their own power;
and my people love to have it so."
Jeremiah 5:30-31
“...and my people love to have it so.”
How awful. How diabolical. Such deception.
If you belong to a happy mega-church like this, run for your very life! They are offering doctrines of demons. Doctrines of deception. Oh of course they quote Scripture, but if ever they refer to the Word of God it is only when they can pull it out of context and make it support their false teachings. RUN from these. If you're hearing how you can be healthy, wealthy and wise, you're being deceived. If you're not being told to take up your CROSS and follow Jesus, you're being fed deception.
If you are listening to a pastor who is wise in his own eyes RATHER than in the wisdom of the Word of God, RUN. If you never hear about the Cross, about sin, about hell, about the crucial need for repentance, RUN, these smooth speakers have deceived you.
Run from them. "Come out of her, my people..." (Revelation 18:4)
Surely the Lord is soon to gather together his saints who have confessed their SIN, who know the penalty of sin is death, who know they are being spared from a real and literal hell, who have turned to the Savior for salvation, who have come in to salvation through the Sacrifice, the shed blood of Jesus Christ, those who have SURRENDERED to him so he is not only their Savior but their LORD and who have picked up their CROSS and followed him; soon they are to be gathered together and be removed from this sinful world, before the "great tribulation," the wrath of God, falls upon the whole earth.
The day after that gathering, the day after the Rapture, those mega-churches will still be full. Those who have listened to the smooth words of the false teachers will still be here, because they demanded only "uplifting" words, and refused or ignored the harder truths in God's Word.
"Come out of her, my people...."