Be Careful Which Version Of The Bible You Use

“By the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established.” 2 Corinthians 13:1 First of all, this is an important principle that God has put into his Word. Every doctrine is verified by a confirmation of several witnesses. One way the Lord has established the veracity of his Word, the Bible, is that every principle, every teaching, every doctrine in the Word of God is confirmed elsewhere in the Bible so that there will be more than one witness. It's necessary to be mindful of that because there are those who say you can't trust the Bible or you can't be sure whether any passage was mistranslated. The Bible confirms the Bible. The Word of God has been preserved by its doctrines being repeated throughout. God cares very much about his Word; in fact he says that he even values it above his Name. "For you have magnified your Word above all your Name." Psalm 138:2 Think about it: God spoke the universe into existence and he even calls each star by name: "He counts the number of the stars; he calls them all by name." Psalm 147:4 If he cares so much about stars and even names each one, then certainly he who has created all in such magnificence is able to watch over his precious Word to make sure that it is accurate in every language into which it is translated. To ensure that, he has confirmed every doctrine "by the mouth of two or three witnesses." Every doctrine in the Word of God will be found repeated in several places so that each will be firmly established. In 1947, in the caves of Qumran in Israel, scrolls were found which have been called "the Dead Sea Scrolls," because they were found in the caves near the Dead Sea. These are very old manuscripts from ancient times. There was found among them an almost complete book of Isaiah and upon close examination it contains almost word-for-word verification of the veracity of the book of Isaiah that we have today as translated in the King James version. And the numerous other scrolls that were found provide verification that the Bible as we have it today was carefully preserved by God himself in its accuracy. Until now, the King James version has been considered the most accurate of all the translations of the Bible in English. But in modern times men have undertaken to put forward "more understandable" versions, but in doing so the accuracy HAS been compromised and not only compromised, some passages have been actually and deliberately omitted. The NIV and other modern translations not only suffer in mistranslation, but have been altered to misrepresent key doctrines. One example out of many is the passage in Luke 4:18 in which Jesus himself states that he came to heal the broken-hearted. The NIV (New International Version) and the ESV (English Standard Version) have not only mistranslated that verse, they have actually OMITTED the part of his coming to heal the broken-hearted, words which Jesus himself actually spoke. The NIV is especially guilty of altering the Word of God, mistranslating it, and passages omitted. In fact, among the translators of the NIV, some were actually involved in the occult. If you have understanding about the times we're in, the last days, then it should be obvious what Satan is up to. We're in the last days and Satan is behind the multitude of cults everywhere. His great scheme has been to so alter the Word of God that people will go off in error because of it. The only way to preserve the accuracy of the Scriptures and to understand the Word of God is to adhere to the original translation, the very old King James version, even though it might be hard to read for some because of the old English - "thou" for you, and "speakest" for speak, etc. But if you care about accuracy, stick with the original translation, otherwise you lose accuracy in the "modern" versions. If the old King James translation is too difficult for you, just be careful which version you choose among the later translations. The New King James (NKJ) and the New American Standard (NASB) may have some problems, but they are the better choices if you need something other than the King James. If you care about the Word of God, it would be worthwhile to do a study on the modern translations and find out for yourself where they have been tampered with. You might be so surprised that you'll be willing to stay with the original translation for the sake of knowing what God has actually said.