You Alone Can Fulfill Your Calling
"You will show me the path of life.
In your presence is fullness of joy,
at your right hand are pleasures forevermore."
Psalm 16:11
Pleasures forevermore…
Isn't it the constant pursuit of man seek out that which pleases himself? Yet that which pleases him does not always satisfy. Indeed, if what he seeks is wrong, there will be a constant dissatisfaction in him even as he succeeds in attaining it. Wrong can never really satisfy.
On the other hand, when a man seeks God, asking him to show him the right path in life, he will find the joy that does satisfy. When he finds it and walks that path, he will find a fullness of joy that it alone can bring.
God has made each person with a God-shaped void in his heart. Nothing else and no one else can fill that void.
God has also fashioned each one uniquely. He has made each one with gifts and talents and interests and abilities unique to him. Then the Lord has set out a plan for his life, a plan that will bring about the satisfaction and fulfillment from doing that which he alone was prepared to do.
We are fearfully and wondrously made, each in his own particular way, with a specific plan to bring about the fulfillment of all that a person is.
What a shame it is for those who reach the end of their lives and realize they've wasted it. They can still be saved because salvation is not the reward of our works, salvation is a free gift for those who have placed their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. But there are rewards for service, and those rewards are eternal. There is fruit from the works of one who has sought the will of God in his life, and the fruit from that life is eternal. There are crowns to be had, for those who patiently and consistently fulfilled their purpose, who fulfilled their call.
Do not stay away out of fear of what God might ask you to do, and do not compare your call with someone else's. He will not have you doing what someone else is doing and what he WILL have you doing will be exactly what he has fitted you for. And you will love it.
Always have in mind the scene of the day you stand before the Lord. Keep in mind that one who has not sought out God's plan for himself will stand in regret as he is shown ...what could have been.
Pray with me:
Father, let me not follow after the pleasures of this world thinking they will satisfy, only to find that they don't. Let me instead find your unique and personalized will for my life which you have fitted me for perfectly. I do not want there to be any regret when I stand before you. Show me the correct path for my life which you have laid out for me, that I may hear from you on that day:
"Well done, good and faithful servant;
you have been faithful over a few things,
I will make you ruler over many things.
Enter into the joy of your Lord."
Matthew 25:21-13