What Most Delights God?

"On that night God appeared to Solomon,
and said to him, 'Ask! What shall I give you?'”
2 Chronicles 1:7
If the Lord came to you and asked what you would like him to give you, what would you ask? Think about it a long time before you answer, because it will reveal the true state of your heart.
Solomon had just been made the King of Israel, and as a king he could have asked a multitude of things, great wealth, continuous victory over his enemies, the admiration of the people, many loyal servants, success in all he desired to do, and oh so much more. He was the king, and would have been justified in asking these things. But listen to what he asked:
vs 9-10:
“Now, O Lord God, let your promise
to David my father be established,
for you have made me king over a people
like the dust of the earth in multitude.
that I may go out and come in before this people;
for who can judge this great people of yours?”
What did he ask? He asked to be equipped to carry out his ministry rightly before God. That would require wisdom and knowledge. His only concern was being able to rightly rule before God over God's people.
And listen to God's response to the deep humility of this man:
vs 11-12:
"Then God said to Solomon: 'Because this was in your heart,
and you have not asked riches or wealth or honor
or the life of your enemies, nor have you asked long life,
but have asked wisdom and knowledge for yourself
that you may judge my people
over whom I have made you king,
wisdom and knowledge are granted to you;
*AND * ...I WILL give you riches and wealth and honor,
such as none of the kings have had who were before you,
nor shall any after you have the like.”
God absolutely loves humility. He loves humility so much that it is his delight to pour out blessing on any son or daughter who will surrender himself/herself to him and seek above all to be equipped to carry out their call and fulfill the mission he has set before them. This is the very heart of God. Nothing could please him more.
"But seek FIRST the kingdom of God and his righteousness,
and all these things shall be added to you."
Matthew 6:33
Unexpected to that person will be the unexpected blessings God will add to the one who has such a heart. He surprises them and delights them and fills their hearts with joy. Oh if only all believers knew the secret of happiness, if all believers only understood what pleases God - and set their hearts to that alone. How many blessings are forfeited by the whiners and complainers who weary God with their never-ending complaints!
Brothers and sisters, take a good look at your heart toward God and ask yourself if your attitude is pleasing to him. Does God simply have to put up with you? Will you never seek to know what pleases him, and understand that in pleasing him your joy will come? If your heart is less than surrendered, pray and ask for grace to come to an attitude change, ask for help to bring before God an attitude that will delight him. It doesn't come naturally to us, we are proud and self-seeking by nature, it has to be sought after.
Go aside, take some time alone with God, and ask him to show how you can change your attitude before him and please him. THAT will delight him!
