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Are You Under The Judgment Of 'Delusion'?

"Just as they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delights in their abominations, SO WILL I CHOOSE THEIR DELUSIONS, and bring their fears on them; because, when I called, no one answered, when I spoke they did not hear; but they did evil before my eyes, and chose that in which I do not delight." Isaiah 66:3-4 If you turn from God, HE will choose your delusions... Freedom of choice is one of the greatest, but most dangerous of gifts given to mankind. When a person chooses his own way rather than the Lord's, the Lord will allow him his choice. And that can be very scary. One of the scariest passages in the Bible is the story of the rich young ruler who came to Jesus asking what he should do. When Jesus said he should give up his riches and come follow him, the young man turned around and left because he was too attached to his riches and just couldn't bring himself to do what Jesus told him to do. The scary part is this: Jesus let him go. If I had been there, I would have run after that young man to try to reason with him, to try to convince him that whatever you "lose" in following Jesus, you gain back a hundredfold (Mark 10:29-30). But Jesus ...let him go. Without argument, he just let him make the choice, and let him go. What a sobering picture. But that's not all. When someone chooses against the Lord, then the Lord chooses his/her delusions. Think on that a moment. One who makes the choice not to surrender to Christ, will come into delusion. A delusion is deception. The person will become deceived. He won't realize he's deceived, the very nature of deception is that the one deceived thinks he's right. But he's wrong. Because it is the Lord himself who has consigned such a one to deception. Looking at the world today, we see this in play right before our eyes. Two lesbians became pastors of a denominational church in America - and they think that's ok. And those who will go to that church think it's ok. This is delusion. Is there any way on God's green earth that such a thing is ok with God? God forbid! But because they have chosen their way rather than surrender to the Lord and his clear teachings on the subject, they have come under the delusion that homosexuality is ok, and that homosexual women no less, can be pastors of a church. The Word of God is clear even on this: women are NOT to have authority over men. So what these women are doing shows their utter disdain for the Word of God and the delusion he has consigned them to. If only they knew, if only they realized the fate of those who despise the Word of God. What a shock it will be when they stand before him and give an account for their choices. Friends, God gave us his Word for a reason. The Word of God, the Bible, tells us all we need to know about life. He explains who he is, who we are, why we are in the predicament we're in as fallen human beings, he tells us how to be saved, and what our salvation cost HIM. The Word of God is the most precious gift God has given to mankind. It's no wonder that Satan has made such elaborate efforts to bring it into disrepute before the people in this world. The attacks of Satan on the Word of God are not just random happenings that so often make up our news, no, they are the most heinous actions Satan can take to destroy a man, a woman, a child, a country, a world. As the days of the Judeo-Christian ethic which ruled our nation for so long wane, and as we near the end of the age, Satan will become more and more obvious through all that he does, in all that he perpetrates against God, against his people, and against his Word. But only those surrendered to Christ will be able to perceive it. Those who can't, can't - because they live under a delusion. Do not believe the lies the world promulgates against the Bible. In other words do not make yourself vulnerable to be brought into delusion. Examine your heart now: if you have disdain for the Word of God, consider that someone here is telling you, is bringing to your attention, that YOU have come under delusion, and it is my prayer for you that the Spirit of God will give you a chance, will prick your conscience one last time, and will help you to come to repentance. Hear him, lest your "conscience be seared with a hot iron..." ...and you be lost. (1st Timothy 4:2)


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